Combo Futures Broker HSC and Futures Branch Office Manager HSC

Product Details
Money-saving Combination Package with training materials for both the Series 3 Exam and the Series 30 Exam:
Futures Broker Home Study Course (Series 3). Now in its Twentieth Edition.
The most widely-used Series 3 preparatory course!
Here's Why:
- The Futures Broker Home Study Course has 8 sections, each covering one of the topics in the National Futures Association's study outline for the National Commodity Futures Exam (Series 3).
- The course is updated as needed!
- The Quizzes have expanded answer keys showing calculations and/or page references for answers.
- 2 final exams are patterned after the NCFE (National Commodity Futures Exam) and each has an expanded answer key.
- Economy! Study at home in your spare time. No need to travel, miss work, or pay food and lodging, as with seminars. Also, competitively priced!
- Success! Some customers report a pass-rate in excess of 90% on the NCFE. Of course, your results may vary, depending on time studied, prior knowledge, and aptitudes.
- Free Phone Support! If you have questions about our material, the NCFE, or futures in general we're just a phone call away with the answer.
- 40–50 study hours recommended.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Futures Trading Theory and Basic Functions Terminology
- Margins, Option Premiums, Price Limits, Futures Settlements, Delivery, Exercise, and Assignment
- Types of Orders and Price Analysis
- Basic Hedging, Basis Calculations, Hedging Commodity Futures, Hedging Financial and Monetary Futures, including Security Futures Products such as SSFs and narrow-based indexes
- Spreading
- Speculating in Futures
- Options Hedging, Speculation, Spreading
- NFA/CFTC Regulations (relating to AP Activities), Regulations on CPOs/CTAs
- 2 Final Exams
- Glossary
- Index
If you've ever wondered what makes the Center for Futures Education's Futures Broker Home Study Course the best Series 3 prep course on the market, here are five reasons:
1. It was written by a two-person team (from widely differing backgrounds) who have both taken the Series 3 exam, not by a panel of experts who have never taken the exam.
2. We re-take the exam periodically and update our material accordingly—even after 30 years.
3. Shortly after it was written, it was read by our secretary who had no special training in this field and a high school education only. In areas where she had problems, we rewrote the material so it was clear to her.
4. When customers call in with questions about the material, we rewrite the material on which they had questions until it is clear.
5. We used the Futures Broker Home Study Course as a textbook to teach German students (who had English as a second language) to pass the Series 3 exam. When something wasn't clear to them, we rewrote it until it was clear.
Futures Branch Office Manager Home Study Course (Series 30)
Passing the Series 30 Exam is required for futures brokers who wish to become Futures Branch Office Managers.
Topics covered in this course include:
- General Market Knowledge
- General Regulations
- CPO/CTA Regulations
- CPO/CTA Disclosure Documents
- Disclosure by CPOs and CTAs Required for Upfront Fees
- Disclosure by FCMs and IBs Required for Costs Associated with Futures Transactions (Rule 2-4)
- IB General
- General Account Handling and Exchange Regulations
- Discretionary Account Regulation (Rule 2-8)
- Promotional Material (Rule 2-29)
The only course of its kind!